my Story
My purpose
To light the way to personal truth
My Mission
To provide a Heart & Soul Gym that exercise your mind to build and maintain your mental & emotional fitness
Because I want to create a world where everyones life force energy goes into serving their heart’s (and thus the world) not their fears
I’m Marie and I’m so happy to welcome you to Alma Amor where you can discover your true nature and purpose and be supported to fully express your gifts and talents in a way that is most true to your heart. Alma Amor means Soul Love and through my offerings you will understand the significance of loving your own divine essence. Find your own voice, hear your own heart, heal your wounds and live a life lead by your intuition rather than society’s latest trend.
I am British and I live in the ancient living Inka village of Ollantaytambo. When I first arrived here in 2012 my breath was taken by the mountains. I felt totally immersed in nature and was fascinated by the exciting Inka and pre-Inka history. Local people welcomed me, showed me the hidden treasures of the area and taught me their traditions and customs. I shared by business skills with them and was involved in various projects before creating my own Wellness Centre and Vegan Restaurant. This chapter of my life ended with the Covid-19 pandemic as I was locked down in my birth place, in the UK for 2 years.
When I returned to my Soul home of Ollantaytambo my life and my genius had gone virtual. I closed my centre and I chose to use the facilities and businesses that struggle to be seen or heard by the mass programmed tourist industry. You will experience my various collaborations for accommodation, lush food, sacred sight guidance etc on my retreats that are now my main in-person offering. For the rest, we can both enjoy the comfort of our own homes and the benefits of not needing to travel for our appointments, since we are all now accustomed to online meet ups.
Who Am I?
I am an entrepreneur, a healer, a teacher, a mother, a nutritionist, an adventurer, an artist, a dancer, a singer. My friends call me a queen, a sage, a samurai, a joker and more because my true expression can be applied in any way I choose. Not all my talents are honed or practised for fully expression at the same time, but what I require for expression of my heart flows naturally through me. It comes easily and naturally to me and has an affinity with my intelligence, logic, skills and knowledge. This makes me a genius in my own right, enables my individual expression of my heart to create what I’m guided to achieve. And so are YOU, I’m not special, we all have the same capacity to access our genius and live our best lives.
I am trained in Natural Success Coaching, Generative Coaching and NLP (Master Practitioner), Contemporary Psychotherapy, Nutritional Therapy, Business (+HR), Healing (Reiki Master & Shamanic Rites) and Motherhood. I hold a Masters Degree in Business. I have bases in the UK and Peru and I work with groups leading retreats or on-line for coaching.
What am I about?
My passion is to lead, teach and nurture you to be living and serving your genius in this world. My presupposition is that everyone is powerful, we only believe we are flawed because some external influence suggested so when we were too young to know any different. I believe that every soul has purpose and comes naturally equipped with gifts and talents to enable their mission. I believe we have our own truth that is guided by intuition, when this directs our intelligence we can powerfully express our genius in the world. Creating and living your true destiny brings joy and abundance to you and to the world. It attracts support from the universe in magical ways. Synchronicities, miracles, wonders and blessings can be experienced and realised. At the same time you are challenged to reclaim your power that leaks from your physiological wounds and creates fear. This must be embraced as an opportunity to see your ego based limitations that we all must accept, surrender to, and powerfully transcend.
What do I do?
My programmes lead you to your purpose by discovering your passion and then I help you to heal your own wounds so that you can get out of your own way and make your dreams come true. I teach you how to use your body as your signalling system and I teach you how to use your intuition for guidance and navigation (instead of your trickster mind). I have various offerings to get you started, provide healing, guidance and support to keep you mentally and emotionally fit and on track as you progress to serve your purpose and express your own true nature. You can work with me individually, independently or in groups.