Shedding the skin of the Serpant
Taking the flight of the Condor
& Embracing the power
of the Puma
Jungle - Mountains - Lake
04 - 22 June
07 - 28 September

If you have the deepest intention to be the predominant creative force in your life and you are ready to shed wound scarring, unplug from dysfunctional patterns and 10X your intuitive power,
then this is the Inka journey for YOU!
Join me for 3 weeks of introspection, plant medicine guidance and powerful Inkan ancestral wisdom
for a life changing renewal and ownership of your destiny.
Open that Door, I’m coming!
the Inka Trilogy
The snake in the Inca Trilogy symbolizes the transformative power of shedding old skin and embracing renewal, guiding us to release the past and embrace a fresh beginning.
Imagine the excitement in your belly, you are here, on the journey of a lifetime. Each morning, you awaken to the enchanting symphony of the jungle, its melodies and fragrances enveloping you. The air is a warm embrace, rich with oxygen, purified by the lush diversity of trees, shrubs, and vibrant blossoms that surround you.
As you sit down to journal and reflect on the profound journey you shared with Mother Ayahuasca last night, tears of gratitude well in your eyes. You vividly recall the loving embrace of a connection to the deepest, most profound love that resides within your heart. It's as though you've been set free, liberated to forgive and release the personal burdens you once carried from painful experiences. Now, a fresh perspective dawns, illuminating the profound significance of this transformation.
Sharing these newfound realizations with your fellow adventurers, each of whom carries their own colorful stories, forges a bond that becomes the very heartbeat of our group. Together, we embrace the magic of this journey, united by the profound love and understanding we've discovered deep within ourselves.
The Condor signifies our deep connection to intuitive wisdom. With the Condor's energy, we trust our inner knowing, navigating life's journey with grace and purpose
Soaring into divine insight
Imagine yourself standing amidst the awe-inspiring ancient Incan citadel of Machu Picchu, perched high in the mountains where the intuitively gifted have long sought connection to the wellspring of creation's wisdom. Here, in this sacred place, you have the extraordinary opportunity to bask in the healing light as you unlock and expand your own crown chakra.
During your transformative vision quest in the mountains, guided by the wisdom of San Pedro, you'll find yourself free from the constraints of limitation. As you gaze upon the vast and purposeful expressions of nature, a profound sense of unity washes over you. The veil between you and your spiritual guides and masters becomes transparent, and you'll have already tasted the power of the majestic condor.
You'll learn to read the land like an open book, your chakras radiating with newfound illumination. Your daily explorations of mystical temples serve as conduits for heightened meditation, amplifying the messages that flow through your awakened consciousness.
The Puma represents our inner warrior, urging us to embrace strength and resilience. It guides us to confront challenges with courage, protecting our dreams, and standing boldly in our power.
finding our ferocity
As you stand at this pivotal juncture of our journey, you feel the fierce, warrior energy of the Puma surging within you as you decide on your next steps. The privilege of being able to touch and energetically connect with the hallowed Puma temple of Tiwanaku fills you with gratitude. The intuitive insight of the Condor's all-seeing eye melds seamlessly with the grounded wisdom of the Serpent, allowing you to perceive unvarnished truth. Your path is now unfolding on your terms.
In this profound moment, you find yourself at the epicenter of the world's sacral chakra. The very essence of creative power and abundance flowing through you, unrestricted as you embody this version of yourself.
You make a promise to yourself to carry this indomitable spirit of the Puma with you, knowing you are empowered to face life's challenges with unwavering strength, insight, and wisdom.
In this very moment, you are forever changed.
Spectacular Sights
Some of the worlds most powerful energetic sites that hold ancient wisdom, healing energy and mystical traditions. We will explore jungle, mountains & valleys, and the worlds highest large lake
week 1 - jungle
• Cloud Forest
• Jungle Trails
• Ayahuasca Ceremony
• Amazon River Rafting
• Machuwasi Lagoon
• Matsiguenka Tribe
• Tres Cruses Sunrise
week 2 - sacred valley
• Machu Picchu
• Maras & Moray
• Ollantaytambo Fortress
• San Pedro Ceremony
• Water Temple
• Moon Temple
• Sacsayhuaman
week 3 - lake titicaca
• Luxury Train to Puno
• Inka Uyo Temple
• Aramu Muru
• Lake Titicaca
• Sun & Moon Islands, Copacabana
• Tiwanaku, Boliva
• La Paz, Bolivia
“Hands down, this has been the most extraordinary journey of my life. I was treading water but now my heart is so full and I feel so alive. I’m clear about my future and the freedom I have to own my direction.”
Paul M, Hertforshire, UK
During our time together, you will shed your old skin and forge a profound connection with your intuition. Through transformative plant medicine journeys and immersion in the harmonic relationship the Inkas cultivated with Pachamama, you will delve into the profound wisdom of the Inca Trilogy. This immersive experience will empower you to wholeheartedly embrace your divine purpose, align with the calling of your heart, and ignite a compelling drive to offer your unique service to humanity.
I want to be the best version of me!
Unmissable Benefits
self love
We give love in the same way we wish to receive it. Don't miss the opportunity to open your heart and receive the power of your own love.
Whether it's forgiving yourself and letting go of regret or releasing the grip of your perpetrators, don't miss this chance to reclaim your life force energy by letting go of the past.
Pinkuylluna, Ollantaytambo
Triggers disturb our peace, but are actually essential alarm signals that it's time for an update of your programme. Don't miss the powerful tools and techniques we will practice to turn triggers into allies and master the art of coming home to centre.
To take a good look at yourself, see the truth of where you are and vision where we want to be, requires distance from our current reality. Honour yourself with introspection to bring yourself into alighnment.
Ñusta (Inka Queen) Bath, Ollantaytambo Fortress
The sacred plant medicine preparation process involves necessary restrictions and abstaining, while active participation requires both physical and emotional purging. These transformative steps require will power, discipline, and resilience. Don’t miss the opportunity to do this with guidance and support, in community with others who share your level of commitment to serve your heart and soul.
Once initiated into the guiding forces of plant spirits they stay with you on your life journey, additionally you will receive attunements to the self healing action of Reiki. Don’t miss this chance to develop essential healing practises that promote phystical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
The creative prowess of the Inka empire ran through the sacral chakra of our planet. Don’t miss the unique indulgence of this trip to max out both the famous and the hidden aspects of this sacred land.
No one revered and sought guidance from Pachamama (Mother Nature) more than the Inkas. Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in this profound balance and connection with the upper, middle and lower worlds of the Inka trilogy.
“The energetics on this retreat are beyond explanation, you simply have to experience it. I’m healed, connected, energised and reformed!”
Johanna T, California, USA
Locations - Week 1 - Jungle
Jungle Lodges in the Amazon Basin
Intended examples, not guaranteed to be the exact ones we will use, conditions are changeable in the jungle
Locations - Week 2 -
Sacred Valley & Mountains
Ollantaytambo (6 nights)
This hotel has been chosen for its proximity to the square and the station. It has beautiful grounds, fire pit and heating. The glass roofed foyer also makes it warmer.
Our base in the Sacred Valley is the beautiful, living Inka Village of Ollantaytambo
Cusco (2 nights)
Again chosen because of it’s central location, near the main square, near the Quoricancha temple and the Artisan market.
Quoricancha (Inka temple), Cusco
Locations - Week 3 -
Lake Titicaca & Boliva
Puno (1 night)
Copacabana, Boliva (3 nights)
La Paz, Bolivia (2 nights)
3 Weeks - 3 Regions
21 nights of Accommodation
(Lodges in the jungle, 3-4 star hotels for the rest of the trip)3 meals per day (except on 3 free days)
Entrance Tickets to world famous sites and amazing hidden sacred spaces
Transport (Buses,Trains & Boats)
Bilingual Guides (English & Spanish)
Self Development & Integration Work
1 Ayahuasca Ceremony
1 San Pedro Vison Quest
Misha ceremony
Flights (International & Domestic)
Extra drinks or alternatives to drinks supplied with meals
Travel Insurance
Lunch & Dinner on 3 free days
Additional Services (e.g Laundry, Massage, Spa treatments)
your investment
The whole journey of 3 magical weeks
price based on double occupancy
Sun Temple, Ollantaytambo
Maras Salt Flats
Tiwanaku, Boliva
Floating Island, Lake Titicaca
Let the magic begin!
1:1 welcome call (20 mins)
Let’s chat and make sure this is the trip for you. Ask me any questions, tell me what you are looking to achieve.
Full Informed briefing on Ayahuasca and San Pedro, normally sold for $49
Reiki weekend course
2-day self healing energy course (Level 1) which includes 3 of the 4 initiation attunements (the final one will be in Machu Picchu).
This also aids detox and will be done 21 days before the retreat. Normally sold for $200.
Guidance through diet preparation 2 weeks before the trip begins.
Pre-trip group Zoom call
Meet your companions, lets discuss the trip and get ready.
private whatsapp group
Connect pre-trip, share tips, organisation updates etc.
Prepare for your trip
This healing journey starts the moment you commit. Whether you choose to take sacred medicine or not, the Andeans believe the ancestral spirits and the Apu’s (mountain spirits) get to work to support your intention as soon as you make it. Just one of many ways the teaching in this land aligns with hermetic premises that underpin my work.
By choosing this trip you also choose to serve your physical form, as indicated in the itinerary, softer options are available but you will enjoy it more if you can challenge yourself a little. There are transport options available if you want to reduce the leg work. As advisable for a ski trip, it’s best to increase your stamina and strength before you arrive. Increase your walking distance, do some hill walking, swim or dance to improve your fitness and lower your heart rate.
Dehydration is more rapid at altitude and first occurs on the aeroplane. Water will be available but you must take personal responsibility to keep yourself hydrated and get enough sleep (especially after a long flight). Fly in with enough time to adjust.
It takes 3-4 days to produce more red blood cells and become more oxygen efficient. To assist your body’s adaptation you either need to increase the iron content in your diet or take a good quality supplement. I recommend Eagle Haemo-Red Plus or Solgar Gentle Iron, 25mg. Avoid low-quality iron supplements, they are poorly absorbed and cause constipation (e.g Iron Sulphate). Extra Iron is normally a free radical for men or post-menopausal women so it’s not included in all multi-vitamin supplements. Start taking it the day you fly and continue for 3 days (no more). Menstruating women adapt more readily and often don’t menstruate (lucky right?!) when coming to Andean altitudes because their bodies will keep the iron and not let it go. So don’t immediately assume you are pregnant or sick if your period doesn’t arrive.
The local herbal remedy for altitude sickness is coca leaves, you can chew them or make an infusion with hot water, these are widely available in the hotels. -
Dietary preparation is required to clean the body and prevent a nasty physical detox that is not ideal on holiday. We are intending to enjoy a wonderful heart-opening and profound connection to the time/space continuum on our journey, for sure some mental and emotional detoxing is a bonus and comes with mild purging, that’s normal.
Yes there are. You need to have good cardiovascular health and be free of any contra-indicative conditions such as schizophrenia, hallucinations and not be on SSRIs for mood regulation. A full list of known contra-indicative medications will be provided but you should always check with your GP if you have any health concerns or want to pause any medication to participate. FULL responsibility is assumed by YOU in this undertaking.
Yes, couples are very welcome, of course you understand it is a personal development journey and you will both enable this space for one-another.
A packing list will be provided and you will not be required to carry all your luggage for the 3 week trip. We will store warm clothes in Cusco (for example) when we go to the jungle.
Both International and Domestic flights will normally be required for this trip. It is possible to fly into Cusco internationally (usually connection cities for long-haul are Bogota, Columbia and Santiago, Chile).
* Outbound: If you fly into Lima you require a Cusco domestic flight
* Inbound: Our trip ends in La Paz so you need to take the best option from there, it’s often better to return to Cusco or Lima to pick up your returning international flight. La Paz is not an international airport so to fly home from Boliva you would need a domestic flight from La Paz to a Bolivian international airport. -
The trip is designed to help you adjust to the altitude gently but it does get higher and higher as we progress through the trip weeks and we will be covering a considerable distance. If allopathic medicine makes you feel safer bring both altitude sickness and travel sickness tablets. (These are also available to buy in Peru).
For the Jungle specifically we are travelling outside of the mosquito season but you may elect to bring anti-malaria medication and have the yellow fever injection. -
You will receive 2 courses:
- 1 Day Reiki Course - this is to give you a self-healing technique to help you detox before hand and support you during this trip and forever more.
- Plant Medicine Course - to fully inform you about this aspect of the trip.You will receive:
-Welcome call (1:1 chat - 20 mins)
- Virtual Group Calls - to prepare you for the trip, go through dietary restrictions and enable some group interaction pre-trip.
- Private WhatsApp group to share tips and ask questions